Monday, November 21, 2016

Meet Mika

We thought we were done with the pet stage of our life...but what can I say, I am weak.  Just look at that face how was I supposed to resist her.  So we now have a new little girl in our life she is 7 weeks old today.  She is a Yorkie poo and was the runt of the litter, she is so tiny her brother was 3 times her size.  I put her in my sweat shirt pocket and she loves it.  She is about 1/2 a pound.   We named her Mika.  So now I am back to sleepless nights for potty time and having a hard time staying in her crate, but it is worth every bit of it.


Lisa said...

Oooohhhh my gosh, Mika is so sweet!! That little face is precious!! I just want to hug her!! What a sweetie!! I hope you share more pictures of her!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Migdalia said...

Oh my goodness...Mika is just precious!!I want to hold her..LOL
I love this!! Thank you for making me smile, Mika!!
Have a wonderful day,
Crafting with Creative M

Sherrie K. said...

Oh my goodness, I want her!!! She is so stinken cute...I am sure she will bring your family so much fun and joy! Lucky you!
Sherrie K

Jeanette said...

Congratulations! She's just about the cutest pup I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

OMGOodness she is ADORABLE!!!!

Furniture Movers Boca Raton said...

Great readd thanks