
Monday, November 26, 2012


I tried to post  some pictures today and apparently I have used all my space up, so I am trying to figure this out.  Has this happened to any of you?  Did you have to buy more space?  I don't want to have to pay 2.49 a month, I know that's not much but if there is another way.  If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I would love to hear from you!  Thanks so much, Gwen


  1. This happened to me just a few days ago...I tried different servers, every tip on blog help. I ended up purchasing space...I'm mad...but it was driving me crazy. I figured the 24$+ a year is worth it to fix this...I got a headache trying to figure it out...I'm not tech savy. Lee-Ann :)

  2. This happened to me too! Drew and I read and researched for quite a while, but we ended up having to buy the space per month.

  3. I found a way, BUT it took me some time to clean up my pictures. I can give you some tips if you want.

    Carson's Creations
    coachfans at cox dot net

  4. OMG I am glad I am not the onkly frustrated blogger today. This happened to me this afternoon. I bought the space

  5. You have to make your pictures no bigger than 800 x 800 pixels, then you will not need to buy space. It is unlimited space as long as you keep them the size above. If you go back and resize some of your pictures and make all your new pictures no bigger than the 800 x 800 you will be ok.

  6. Gwen- Just create another google account and add that account as another author to your blog. Call me and I can walk you through it :-)

  7. Gwen, this just happened to me a couple of months ago. I ended up just buying more space. I pay $2.50 a month....I figured it's worth it if I don't have to deal with that again! LOL!
